The HULC lab is a cooperation of researchers based at the Institute for German as a Foreign Language Philology, the Institute for Translation and Interpreting and the Center for Iberoamerica at Heidelberg University, Germany. 

The HULC lab was founded in September 2011. Our facilities include two eye tracking labs, a language laboratory, and an RT lab. We are partners with the Core facility for Neuroscience of self-regulation (CNSR).

Members of the HULC lab are currently carrying out MA, PhD, Postdoctoral or ‘Habilitation’ research.

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In order to guide the inferential processes in communication, languages use different mechanisms. Focus particles are one of these mechanisms because of their mainly procedural meaning focalizing the hearer's attention and guiding him to certain constituents (Blakemore 2002). Furthermore, focus sensitive elements relate the focus and its alternatives in a certain way. Scalar particles like German "sogar" do so in establishing a relation of likelihood presenting the focused element as the least expected element (König 1991).

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