Oleksandra Gubina
Oleksandra Gubina (M.A. student) began her M.A. studies in German Studies in Cultural Comparison at Heidelberg University in 2014 and joined the HULC Lab in July 2016. She obtained her bachelor's degree in English and German Philology as well as in English and German Translation/Interpreting from University of Kharkiv (Ukraine) in 2014. At the moment, she is also studying English and German Philology (Staatsexamen/Lehramt an Gymnasien). Her research interest lies in language production and comprehension as well as psycholinguistic and didactic aspects of language acquisition in late bilinguals. Currently, she also works as a scientific assistant at the department of pragmatics at the Institute for German Language (IDS). From April 2017 she also works on her research project 'Fokus auf Wirtschaft: Implizite Vermittlung der fachbezogenen Inhalte des neu eingeführten Schulfaches Wirtschaft/Berufs- und Studienorientierung in Vorbereitungsklassen auf Basis der Formfokussierung' financed by the PLACE Programme of the Heidelberg School of Education.